With our interest in all things immigration, we present another slice of immigration life from the aughts to the early teens of the 21st century, BorderMeetup.org. This website was devoted to meet ups between groups of people on the opposite sides of the US/Mexican border in California, San Diego and Tijuana. A principal place for these meetups was Friendship in park in San Diego. The graphics are stunning, people touching across different countries through iron gates/fences.
The creator of the website had a vision for a border free world. Perhaps these meet ups along the border documented that well, along with a promoting organization would advance a border free world? That seems to be the underlying philosophy of the site. So in some ways, much the same as lot of immigration related websites in the US from that period. How has that idea aged? You be the judge.
Our plan for the site now? A historical record, and possibly some real world solutions to the problem of borders. How does someone from Mexico get to to come to the US legally? We can provide real world, functional information to address that. In the time while we wait, you can contact us.
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